Associate Professor, IT University of Copenhagen
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Phone: +45 72 18 50 50
I am an associate professor in computer science at the IT University of Copenhagen. In the past, I was a postdoc in the SQUARE group at the IT University of Copenhagen hosted by Andrzej Wąsowski. Previously, I was a postdoc in the Privatics team at Inria hosted by Daniel Le Métayer. I have a PhD degree in computer science from Chalmers University of Technology. During my PhD studies I was part of the Formal Methods division at the department of Computer Science and Engineering. I was supervised by Gerardo Schneider.
My research is focused on developing rigorous techniques to design, analyse and build software to protect online privacy. My interests lie at the intersection of formal methods, online privacy and computer security. Currently, I am working in the following topics:
I tackle privacy issues in a wide range of domains including data analytics, eye information, genetic data, social networks and the Internet of Things (IoT). Within these domains, I work on quantifying privacy risks and enforcing legal privacy requirements (e.g., GDPR requirements). In this video, I talk about privacy risk analysis for genetic data.
Source: ITU Research Channel.
The licentiate thesis is part of the licentiate degree, which is a half way PhD title which can be acquired in Sweden.